47 185 المدينة العربية / العدد • شودة � سائل تلك التقنية لتحقيق التنمية المن � أدوات وو � س عالمياً ب � بناء جيل قادر على التناف شابة بالبلاد العربية. � صة توفر جيل من القدرات ال � وخا • إحداث صالات � إت التكامل البناء والمتكافئ بين الدول العربية فى مجال تقنية المعلومات وا صيله فى � ستفادة منه كما تم تف � إ � أوروبى و إتحاد ا إقتداءاً بالتعاون بين دول ا � تنمية جادة هذا البحث. المراجع 1. Castells, M., Information Technology, Globalization and Social De- velopment, UNRISD Discussion paper No. 114, United Nations Re- search Institute for Social Development, Switzerland, (1999). 2. Castells, M., The Information Age, Economy, Society and Culture. Vol. I: The Rise of the Network Society, Blackwell, Cornwall, (2002). 3. Cohen, G. and Nijkamp, P., Information and Communication Tech- nology Policy in European Cities: A Comparative Approach, En- vironment and Planning B: Planning and Design, Volume 29, pp. 729-755, (2002). 4. Graham, S. and Marvin, S., Telecommunications and the City, Rout- ledge, London, (1996). 5. Graham, S. and Marvin, S., Planning Cyber Cities? Integrating Tele- communications into Urban Planning, Town Planning review, Vol- ume 70, No. 1, pp. 89-114, (1999). 6. Graham, S. and Marvin, S., Urban Planning and the Technological Future of Cities, in J.O. Wheeler, Y. Aoyama and B. Warf. (eds.), Cities in the Telecommunications Age, Routledge, New York, pp.71-96, (2000). 7. Höjer, M., What is the Point of IT? Back casting Urban Transport and Land Use Futures, TRITA-IP FR 00-72, Saltsjö-Boo, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, (2000). 8. Hokkeler, M., ICT and Urban Development – Between Vision and Reality, International Conference “Envisioning Telecity – the Ur- banization of ICT, Technical University of Berlin, (2001). 9. Mitchell, W., City of Bits: Space, Place, and the Infobahn, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, (1998). 10. Mitchell, W., e-topia, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, (1999). 11. Mitchell, W., ME++, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, (2003). 12. Naisbitt, J., Megatrends, Warner Books, New York, (1984). 13. Postnote, ICT in Developing Countries, Postnote, No. 261, March 2006, Parliamentary Office of Science and Tech- nology, UK, (2006). 14. Talvitie, J., Information and Communication Technology: A New Aspect in Urban and Regional Planning, Edita Pri- ma, Helsinki, (2003). 15. Talvitie, J., Incorporating the Impact of ICT into Urban and Regional Planning, European Journal of Social Develop- ment, No. 10, (2004). 16. UNR, Global E-Government Readiness Report 2005: From E-Government to E-Inclu- sion, UNPAN/2005/14, De- partment of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Public Administration and Development Management, United Nations, New York, (2005). 17. Van den Berg, L. and van Widen, W., Information and Communications Technology as Potential Catalyst for Sus- tainable Urban Development, Ashgate, Aldershot, (2002). 18. Webster, F., Theories of the Information Society, Rout- ledge, London, (2002).